Thursday, March 23, 2006

Pesach in St Petersburg...

This Pesach I will be going to St Petersburg to work with the Progressive Community in the city.

In July of last year I was privileged to be a participant at the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) Biennial in Moscow. It was a fantastic experience on many levels, but one of the most inspiring elements of the trip was meeting with the young Progressive Jews of the Former Soviet Union, who were rediscovering their Judaism after years of silence under communist rule. I came back from Moscow and St Petersburg inspired by what I had seen, enthused for my Progressive Judaism and generally reinvigorated on a personal and Jewish level.

By returning to St Petersburg this Pesach I hope that I will be able to begin giving something back to the community there.

This trip would not have been possible without the support of a number of Rabbis and their communities in the UK.

I must also say a special thanks to Rabbi Michael Farbman, the Rabbi in St Petersburg, and Alex Kagan, director of FSU programming for the WUPJ; without their help and support this trip would not have been possible.

Please visit the main Pesach in St Petersburg Website which contains Pesach Ideas, Photographs, and links to other interesting websites.