Sunday, April 16, 2006

Wow, how much can you fit into 24 hours?

Unfortunately I am going to have to be very quick as we are just clearing up from the last Seder, and there is not a lot of time (and I'm not sure when I'll next be by the computer), so here goes.

Shabbat morning: Dvar Torah and reading from Torah. I read Shemot 33:12-23, the special reading for the Shabbat during Pesach. I also spoke about the chutzpah of Moses asking to see God, and the clever way in which he protects the people, by focussing on his own special relationship with God.

Shabbat afternoon: A Shabbat walk around the city, it is very cold here.

Sunday morning: Religion school, this included another seder (number 5), which was really lovely. There was an excellent make your own 10 Plague mobile game in the middle run by David, Julia and Josh - I drew an excellent frog, even if I do say so myself. I also got to listen to a few of the bnei mitzvah students practice their portions - they were very good.

We got under an hour for lunch before another seder (number 6), this time with the Moreshet youth group, between the ages of 14 and 16. I had a great time, but I almost collapsed at the end, singing "Hallelu Hallelu Hallelu Hallelu ... Halleluyah" (I hope you know what I'm talking about) was tiring and then "Echad Mi Yodeah" with movements was exhausting. But it was great fun, they really enjoyed themselves, and I had a good time, with Zina and Zanna, excellent translators.

Then, rather than stop, it was straight into the Netzer seder for the 18-25s with a Pesach Pub Quiz for the Magid section.

It means that the running total is 7 sedarim, with 3 more scheduled tomorrow. At this rate I should be exempt from Pesach for about a decade.

I hope to write more soon, with lots more about today's three sedarim.

I also learnt today, that every time I've said "Dosvedanya" when taking a drink, thinking it was like "cheers" or "l'chaim" it really meant goodbye, which explains why every0ne was laughing. Not with me, but at me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was part of the Palm Beach contingent at Shabbat Services over Pesach. Your sermon was lovely. Thank you so very much for making us feel so welcomed. Rabbi Farbman is truly inspirational and I do hope he takes me up on my offer to join us in Palm Beach in November! I'm working on it!! We did about 7 seders...Dayeuned out. Can understand/commiserate. It was painful and wonderful. Any assistance I/we can give from here, please shout.

Warmest Regards,
Nina Hirsch
Temple Judea, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl
Rabbi Joel Levine

12:26 PM  

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